50 Strengths and Weaknesses for Job Interview in 2023

Filed in Articles by on May 4, 2023

You may be asked to describe your strengths and weaknesses at any point during the interview process. Employees should think about how to respond to this question in advance.

50 Strengths and Weaknesses for Job Interview in 2023

Weaknesses for job interview depends on the kind of job, But in general, if you’ve got that confidence, you could tackle most interviews.

Weaknesses of Job Interview

Below are some of the strengths and weaknesses of a job interview:

Strengths Examples

If you’re not sure what your strengths are, ask some of your friends or coworkers to tell you what they think your best traits are. Refer to any written responses you’ve had from peers or managers in the past.

Some Examples Of Strengths Include:

1. Action-oriented/entrepreneurial

2. Attentive/detail-oriented

3. Collaborative

4. Committed/dedicated

5. Creative

6. Determined

7. Disciplined/focused

8. Empathetic

9. Enthusiastic/passionate/driven

10. Flexible/versatile

11. Honest

12. Innovative

13. Patient

14. Respectful

Weaknesses Examples

Because we all have weaknesses but are hesitant to confess them, it’s best to start with the truth and create your script from there.

Choose a response that a hiring manager would not consider important traits or talents for the job, as well as qualities that you are actively working to improve.

Some Examples Of Weaknesses Include:

1. Disorganized

2. Self-critical/sensitive

3. Perfectionism (note: this can be a strength in many roles, so make sure you include an example of how perfectionism can be an issue to show that you’ve given this trait serious consideration)

4. Shy/Not adept at public speaking

5. Competitive (note: similarly to perfectionism, this can be a strength)

6. Limited experience in a nonessential skill (especially if obvious on your resume)

7. Not skilled at delegating tasks

8. Take on too much responsibility

9. Not detail-oriented/too detail-oriented

10. Not comfortable taking risks

11. Too focused/lack of focus


Other Weaknesses of Job Interview

You may be asked about your strengths and weaknesses in the same question or two distinct ones.

50 Strengths and Weaknesses for Job Interview in 2023

If you’re asked about both your strengths and weaknesses at the same time, start with the weakness so you can end on a good note.

When addressing your weaknesses, use examples from either your skills/habits or your personality qualities. It’s simple to figure out the formula for your answer:

1. To begin, identify your weakness.

2. Second, provide further context and a specific example or story about how this attribute has manifested itself in your work life.

That context will reveal your level of self-awareness and commitment to professional development to potential employers. The weakness is followed by the response in the examples below.

Weakness Example 1: Self-Critical

“I’m prone to being overly critical of myself. I’ve found a tendency in my career where I often feel I could have done more, even if I’ve done well objectively.
This resulted in exhaustion and bad self-talk earlier in my career. Over the last three years, one technique I’ve used is to intentionally pause and enjoy my accomplishments.
This has helped me not only with my self-esteem but also with actually appreciating and acknowledging my colleagues and other support networks.”

Weakness Example 2: Lacking Confidence

“I’m a naturally timid person.” It kept me from speaking up throughout high school and into my early professional dealings.
I thought I owed it to my team and myself to confidently express my views after being a part of a workgroup that failed to accomplish our strategic goals for two quarters in a row.
Consequently, enrolled in an improv acting class, which is a lot of fun and has helped me overcome my nervousness. I learned how to facilitate talks and share other points of view.
Now, when I’m in a group, I always start with quieter members. I understand how they feel, and once they start communicating, people can be fantastic.”

Weakness Example 3: Difficulty Asking Questions

“I tend to think that I can fix any situation on my own.” This works in certain cases, but I frequently require assistance from others to overcome factors beyond my control.
Last year, I was in charge of organizing a client event with a lot of moving pieces. I didn’t know how close I came to pulling it off until after the event.
Everything from the strategic plan to the tiniest details, such as table settings, was on my mind. Following that, I conducted a lot of self-reflection.
Since then, I’ve been working on taking a step back before plunging into problem-solving mode and identifying people or groups who might help me.”

Weakness Example 4: Lacking Experience

“I’m not up to date on the latest version of [insert non-critical software name].
” Instead, because the user-centric design has become a big passion of mine, I’ve focused on [insert name of preferred software]. That’s where I’ve spent most of my time studying and improving in my last few jobs.”

Weakness Example 5: Procrastination

“I’ve always been a procrastinator,” says the author. I used to believe that it wasn’t such a horrible habit because I was only causing myself stress.
However, while working for XYZ Company several years ago, I was working on a group project where I could see how my procrastination caused stress for everyone else.
It was a rude awakening. I overcame the habit by setting regular agendas that held me accountable to my team. It was difficult at first, but embracing the agile process revolutionized my workflow and perspective.”

Weakness Example 6: Perfectionism

“I’m a perfectionist who can get caught up in the finer points of a project, jeopardizing deadlines.” That happened to me when I was working for ABC Inc. early in my career.
I was obsessing over the details, which made my boss nervous when I almost missed the deadline for my deliveries. Back then, I had to learn the hard way, but I did.
Today, I’m always conscious of how my actions impact my team and management. I’ve figured out how to strike a balance between being excellent and being on time.”

Weakness Example 7: Difficulty with an Area of Expertise

“In school, math wasn’t my strongest subject. To be honest, I didn’t see how it would apply to my adult life while I was a student.
However, after only a few years in the workforce, I recognized that I wanted to pursue a more analytical career path.
I wasn’t sure where to start at first, but I found several free online courses that helped me refresh the essentials.
This new foundation has allowed me to define and track my own goals in my most recent work. Overcoming my fear of arithmetic when I was younger has been quite powerful.”

Of course, you’ll need to personalize the above examples according to your weakness and the ways that you’re adapting and improving yourself.

Strengths for Job Interview

Many people find it challenging to talk about their strengths during an interview. It’s difficult to strike a balance between your modesty and the need to exude confidence.

50 Strengths and Weaknesses for Job Interview in 2022

You may generally pick between skills/habits and personality traits, just as you do with weaknesses. Select your strengths using the job description as a guide.

Use the same combination of strength + context + tale to tell your story. Address the precise skills that qualify you for the position and set you apart as a candidate when putting your talents into context.

Here are some examples:

Strength Example 7: Leadership Skills

“I’ve always had natural leadership ability. I’ve exceeded my KPIs every quarter for more than ten years in finance and sales, and I’ve been promoted twice in the last five years.
I know I wouldn’t have achieved those accomplishments if I hadn’t established and led teams comprised of highly skilled and varied individuals. I’m pleased with my ability to bring together cross-functional teams.
I’ve frequently refined my management abilities through 360 assessments and candid conversations with my team, and I know that my future post will allow me to continue to grow as a leader.”

Strength Example 8: Collaboration Skills

“I’ve always preferred to work in groups since I’m a collaborative person.” Members of the project teams I’ve led collaborate with a variety of people and are motivated by a variety of creative challenges.
Over the last three years, I’ve raised productivity by 15% and retention by 25% since taking over management of my present team.”

Strength Example 9: Interpersonal Skills

“I’m an empathic person who knows how to connect with others and make them feel heard. I was on a support call with a customer whose contract had been canceled earlier this year, and it was a particularly memorable experience.
Her prices would have skyrocketed if the service agreement had been reinstated. She was naturally furious and felt trapped because she and her family couldn’t go without auto insurance.
We quickly realized we couldn’t meet her needs, but I wanted her to leave with a positive image of the service we gave.
I went over some of her other options with her and even told her about some other providers who might be able to provide her with a lesser cost so she wouldn’t have to pay as much.
She particularly stated in the feedback survey from that interaction that she would continue to suggest our services to others.
I’ve had a lot of experiences like this in my customer service career—they’re complicated, but they always leave the consumer feeling good.”

Strength Example 10: Technical Skills (Software)

“I’m completely obsessed with the latest edition of [insert new software name].” As soon as it was published, I began testing the limits of what it could do.
I’m looking forward to putting my passion and expertise to work in this role and pushing the program’s boundaries for your firm.”

Strength Example 11: Technical Skills (Writing)

“I have exceptional writing skills. For the past eight years, I’ve worked as a copywriter in a variety of businesses, and I’m dedicated to both creative excellence and performance metrics in my work.
I’ve got to learn how to strike the right balance between creativity and data, and it’s a particular goal of mine to show what good writing can do for the bottom line, whether it’s in advertising or not.”

Strength Example 12: Persistence

“I’m precise and persistent.” I keep track of the details when working on a project.
I can detect the basics and vigorously fight for them to fulfill deadlines since I have a thorough understanding of the components. This is reflected in my peer and management feedback frequently.”

Strength Example 13: Organization Skills

“I never fail to meet a deadline.” I’m a naturally organized person who has applied her natural ability to arrange people and tasks to every part of my career.
I’ve only experienced one late product launch in my seven years as a project manager. I learned a valuable lesson about trade-offs from that encounter, which occurred three years ago.
Furthermore, more  time was spent addressing a critical design requirement, which caused everything else to be pushed back.
I wouldn’t swap any of the lessons I learned from that experience for anything, especially the need of informing stakeholders about impending barriers.”


What are Good Weaknesses For a Job Interview

As with the weaknesses examples, you’ll need to adjust your strength choices and responses according to your experience and skills. When you write your script, keep in mind a few additional tips:

1. Don’t list multiple, vague strengths: Stay focused on one or two key qualities that relate directly to the role and support them with specific, relevant examples.

2. Do away with making jokes.

3. Don’t be arrogant, inflate your strengths, or lie about your abilities.

3. However, don’t be too humble or underestimate yourself.

Remember, as you prepare your response to the “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” interview question, it’s important to:

1. Ensure your strengths support the job description and set you apart as a candidate

2. Not be overly humble

3. Be specific in your responses

What to Say During an Interview

Don’t be left dump-folded. Below are some of the things to say during an interview.

1. Focus On Skills That Aren’t Required For the Job

When deciding which flaws to bring up in an interview, keep in mind that you should focus on qualities that aren’t essential to the job requirements.

If you’re seeking a job in accounting, for example, you don’t want to suggest that math is your major weakness.

2. Keep It Positive

It’s critical to have a positive attitude. You might also discuss how your weakness could be viewed as a plus in the workplace. Being extremely detail-oriented, for example, is a valuable quality in many jobs.

While it may seem impossible to avoid using negative adjectives like “weak” and “failure” in a question concerning weaknesses, all you have to do is avoid using them.

3. Make Your Action Plan a Priority

You should describe how you are dealing with (or plan to deal with) your flaw. It’s especially effective when your weakness is a difficult skill that can be taught quickly.

You may even say, “One talent I’m currently working on…” in your response.

4. Share Your Strengths

It’s crucial to address the strengths that qualify you for the job during the interview, as well as your weaknesses. It’s also critical to try your best to persuade the interviewer that you’re a strong candidate for a job offer.

5. Be Honest

Finally, while you want to be positive, you should also be honest. Answers like, “I don’t have any flaws” will come across as insincere.

What are the Strengths and Weaknesses for Job Interview

There is energy to put into place when you go for an interview. However, these are some of the strengths and weaknesses for job interview.

1. Choose a Weakness That Will Not Prevent You from Succeeding In the Role

When an interviewer asks, “What is your greatest weakness?” they want to find out:

1. Whether you have a healthy level of self-awareness

2. If you can be open and honest, particularly about shortcomings

3. Whether you pursue self-improvement and growth opportunities to combat these issues, as opposed to letting these weaknesses hold you back

In the end, you’ll want to use this question to show how you’ve exploited a weakness to motivate you to learn a new skill or advance your career. Everyone has flaws, and your interviewer isn’t expecting you to be flawless.

2. Be Honest and Choose a Real Weakness

When it comes to your main weakness, the answer “perfectionism” isn’t going to cut it because it isn’t a true flaw.

Perfectionism is a fear-based tendency that leads to short-term incentives like getting the job done early and exceeding expectations, but it can never be achieved.

Instead, choose a real weakness. Underneath the drive to do faultless work, there may be a trust issue. You may be afraid that you won’t be able to make mistakes on the team, so you try to do everything precisely.

That is a significant weakness that you can easily overcome.

3. Provide An Example Of How You’ve to Improve Upon Your Weakness

Hiring supervisors don’t expect you to entirely overcome your flaws overnight. Everyone has areas where they need to work regularly to stay sharp.

Consider this: if you’ve been working out for six months, you won’t be able to stop one day and retain your progress. It’s a process that you must continue to work on.

4. Think About Weaknesses in Your Personal Life

If you humanize yourself in the interview, it’ll allow your interviewer to connect and visualize working with you in the future.

It’s not just about weaknesses that pertain to the job. For example, if you are an introvert and you notice your preference for quiet time stops you from taking risks, this is a relatable weakness.

When you demonstrate your self-awareness this way, it shows you understand that self-improvement correlates to work performance.

5. Think Of Where You’d Be And What Support You Need To Get There

Growth is a natural element of existence. Consider persons you admire who may have a connection to the field you’re working in.

You’ll give the interviewer a glance into a few positive traits about your awareness by giving an example of how you’re working to enhance your area of weakness.

Briefly share an example of a time when you asked someone for help in an area that you’ve identified as a weakness. This gives the hiring team a clear picture of how you’ll work with the team to balance out that weakness.

6. Don’t Be Arrogant and Don’t Underestimate Yourself

When answering the question “What is your greatest weakness?” the most crucial thing you can do is show confidence in your answer.

(If your weakness is a lack of self-assurance, keep reading.) I’m going to presume you’re honest with yourself, even if you’re not the most confident person.

If you’ve recognized a weakness and are confident in your assessment, let that confidence shine through in your response. There’s no reason to be ashamed of something you’re not particularly excellent at as long as you’re attempting to improve.


List of Weaknesses of Job Interview

Here’s a sample of the weaknesses of job interview:

1. Lack of Patience

Sample Answer:
“I don’t have much patience when working with a team — I am incredibly self-sufficient, so it’s difficult when I need to rely on others to complete my work.
That’s why I’ve pursued roles that require someone to work independently. However, I’ve also worked to improve this weakness by enrolling in team-building workshops.
While I typically work independently, I must learn how to trust my coworkers and ask for outside help when necessary.”

This answer works because the weakness — the inability to be patient when working with a team — doesn’t hinder your ability to perform well in the role since it’s a job that doesn’t rely on teamwork to succeed.

Additionally, you display an eagerness to develop strategies to combat your weakness, which is a critical skill in the workplace.

2. Lack of Organization

Sample Answer:
“I struggle with organization. While it hasn’t ever impacted my performance, I’ve noticed my messy desk and cluttered inbox nonetheless interfere with my efficiency.
Over time, I’ve learned to set aside time to organize my physical and digital space, and I’ve seen it improve my efficiency levels throughout the week.”

Plenty of people has messy desks. This answer works because it’s a relatable and fixable weakness.

You note that disorganization doesn’t interfere with your ability to do your job, which is critical, but you also acknowledge it might make you less efficient.

To ensure you’re performing at 100%, you mention personal steps you’ve taken to improve your organization skills for the sake of self-improvement alone, which suggests a level of maturity and self-awareness.

3. Trouble with Delegation

Sample Answer:
“I sometimes find it difficult to delegate responsibility when I feel I can finish the task well myself. However, when I became manager in my last role, it became critical I learn to delegate tasks.
To maintain a sense of control when delegating tasks, I implemented a project management system to oversee the progress of a project. This system enabled me to improve my ability to delegate efficiently.”

This answer allows you to demonstrate an ability to pursue a new skill when a role calls for it and suggests you’re capable of flexibility, which is critical for long-term growth.

Additionally, you can showcase a level of initiative and leadership when you mention the successful implementation of a new process that enabled you to succeed in your past role, despite your weakness.

4. Timidity

Sample Answer:
“Oftentimes, I can be timid when providing constructive feedback to coworkers or managers, out of fear of hurting someone’s feelings.
However, in my last role, my coworker asked me to edit some of his pieces and provide feedback for areas of improvement.
Through my experience with him, I realized feedback can be both helpful and kind when delivered the right way.
Since then, I’ve become better at offering feedback, and I’ve realized that I can use empathy to provide thoughtful, productive feedback.”

This answer works because you’ve explained how you were able to turn a weakness into a strength through real-world experience.

Typically, timidity can be seen as a flaw in the workplace, particularly if a role requires someone to provide feedback to others.

In this case, you’re able to demonstrate how timidity can be used as a strength, through thoughtful reflection and practice.

5. Lack of Tactfulness

Sample Answer:
“My blunt, straightforward nature has allowed me to succeed over the years as a team manager, because I’m able to get things done efficiently, and people often appreciate my honesty.
However, I’ve recognized my bluntness doesn’t always serve my employees well when I’m delivering feedback.
To combat this, I’ve worked to develop empathy and deeper relationships with those I manage.
Additionally, I took an online leadership management course, and worked with the professor to develop my ability to deliver feedback.”

In this example, you first explain how your blunt nature allows you to be successful in certain situations.

Then, you mention that you understand your bluntness can be seen as a lack of empathy and provide examples of how you’ve attempted to solve this issue.

Ultimately, your awareness of how you might be perceived by others shows a level of emotional intelligence, which is a critical asset for a team leader.


6. Fear of Public Speaking

Sample Answer:
“Public speaking makes me nervous. While I don’t need to do much public speaking in my role as a web designer, I still feel that it’s an important skill — especially when I want to offer my opinion during a meeting.
To combat this, I spoke with my manager and she recommended I speak at each team meeting for a few minutes about our project timeline, deadlines, and goals when developing a website for a client.
This practice has enabled me to relax and see public speaking as an opportunity to help my team members do their jobs effectively.”

In this example, you mention a skill that doesn’t apply to the role, but one which you nonetheless have been working to improve.

This shows your desire to meet more business needs than necessary in your current role, which is admirable.

Additionally, it’s impressive if you can show you’re willing to reach out to your manager with areas in which you want to improve, instead of waiting for your manager to suggest those areas of improvement to you. It demonstrates a level of ambition and professional maturity.

7. Weak Data Analysis Skills

Sample Answer:
“I’m not great at analyzing data or numbers. However, I recognize this flaw can prevent me from understanding how my content is performing online.
In my last role, I set up monthly meetings with the SEO manager to discuss analytics and how our posts were performing.
Additionally, I received my google analytics certificate, and I make it a point to analyze data related to our blog regularly. I’ve become much more comfortable analyzing data through these efforts.”

In this example, you’re able to show your desire to go above and beyond a job description and actively seek out skills that could be helpful to the success of your company as a whole.

This type of company-first mentality shows the interviewer you’re dedicated to making yourself a valuable asset, and trying your best to understand the needs of the whole department, rather than just your role.

8. Indecisiveness

Sample Answer:
“Sometimes I struggle with ambiguity and making decisions when directions aren’t clear. I come from a work environment that always gave clear and direct instructions.
I had such a strong team and leadership that I haven’t had much practice making decisions in the heat of the moment. I’m working on this by leaning more into my experience and practicing listening to my gut.”

This answer works because you’re demonstrating that you can both follow a leader and sharpen your leadership skills.

It’s alright to not know what to do at the moment. Admitting that you relied on strong leadership shows that you can be a follower when needed, but knowing when to step up is important, too.

9. Harsh Self-Criticism

Sample Answer:
“My inner critic can be debilitating at times. I take pride in producing good work, but I feel like I struggle to feel satisfied with it, which has led to burnout in the past.
However, I’ve started to push back against this inner voice by taking care of myself before and after work. I’m also learning to recognize when my inner critic is right and when I need to dismiss it.”

This answer works because your interviewer may relate; we all have harsh inner critics. It’s also effective because

It shows that you’re willing to work on your weaknesses outside of work, not just during business hours, and

It demonstrates your inner critic may have valid points. Discerning when to dismiss it is key to preventing burnout and increasing productivity.

Realizing how the inner critic may inhibit a good work ethic demonstrates your willingness to grow and be an effective worker.

10. Micromanaging

Sample Answer:
“I used to work in industries where I had to cultivate a solid work ethic in my employees.
This style of training has been so ingrained in me that I’ve forgotten to discern who may need that coaching and who does not.
I’ve been reading books on effective delegation and team building to work on this shortcoming.
One technique that works for me is assuring myself that if I establish clear expectations, then my team will follow. I’ve also learned to trust my team members.”

This answer works best if you’ve been in a leadership position before and are applying to a managerial role.

However, you can still apply it to past experiences where you did have to show leadership.

This answer shows that while you may be used to running your crew or team a specific way, you’re willing to admit when your method isn’t the most effective. Showing your flexibility demonstrates your ability to grow.

11. Talkative

Sample Answer:
“I enjoy developing a relationship with my coworkers by engaging in conversation, and that’s a great team-building skill.
However, I have a habit of carrying on a conversation to a point where it may distract other coworkers.
I have learned since then that there are other ways to connect with my coworkers and that if I’m asking about their day, I need to keep it brief and redirect myself back to my work.”

This answer works because it shows you’re aware of how your talkative tendencies may be distracting in the workplace.

It takes a lot of courage to admit that. It also shows you are willing to develop a relationship with coworkers but not at the cost of productivity.

12. Trouble Maintaining a Work-Life Balance

Sample Answer:
“I’ve struggled with work-life balance, especially after I started working remotely during the pandemic.
This increased my stress levels to the point where my productivity was at an all-time low and I didn’t bring my best self to work.
Because I want to continue working remotely, I’ve started adding more structure to my day and instituted a sharp start and end time. I’ve already seen improvements in my levels of focus during work hours.”

At first, this might seem like a “strength” weakness — pouring yourself into work is great, right? That means you love your job. But if it impacts your productivity and your relationships with coworkers, that is not so great.

This answer works because it doesn’t just say, “I work a lot, so my home life suffers.” It says, “I work a lot to the point of burnout, and I’ve realized that I need to structure my day.”

If you’ve struggled with work-life balance issues in the past, it’s important to state how you’re restoring that balance and how it has impacted your work.


Every Weakness Contains a Source of Strength

Regardless of whether you’re bad with numbers or you tend not to speak up in group settings, there’s a strength behind every weakness.

1. The strength is in how you work to overcome it.

2. Leaning on your teammates who excel in those areas is a great way to show that you’ll work well on the team and that you know how to use your resources to solve problems.

3. Taking professional development courses shows that you’re willing to work toward improvement.

4. No matter which of these answers you share with the hiring team, they’ll be more than happy to help you grow and exceed the expectations of the role.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few faqs about weaknesses for job interview.

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

What employers are looking for:



Analytical skills

Hard skills (defined by the job description)

Communication skills

Soft skills (such as public speaking)

Leadership skills

Ability to work in a team

What are good weaknesses for job interview?

1. Don’t list multiple, vague strengths
2. Do away with making jokes those are some weaknesses for job interview
3. Don’t be arrogant, inflate your strengths, or lie about your abilities.
4. However, don’t be too humble or underestimate yourself.

What weakness should be mentioned in an interview to be safe?

1. Lack of Patience
2. Lack of Organization
3. Trouble with Delegation
4. Timidity
5. Lack of Tactfulness
6. Fear of Public Speaking

What weaknesses are okay to admit to in an interview?

1. I focus too much on the details
2. I have a hard time letting go of a project
3. Also, I have trouble saying “no”
4. I get impatient when projects run beyond the deadline, for instance
5. I could use more experience in
6. Also, I sometimes lack confidence

How to positively explain my weaknesses for job interview?

Details on the steps you’re doing to learn a talent or improve a weakness should be included.

What’s the best way to answer this interview question?

Try not to reveal too much or too little personal information while answering questions about yourself.
In the same vien, you can begin by describing some of your non-work-related personal interests and experiences, such as a favorite hobby or a brief narrative of where you grew up, your schooling, and what motivates you.

What strengths should I highlight during a job interview?

1. Action-oriented/entrepreneurial
2. Attentive/detail-oriented
3. Collaborative
4. Committed/dedicated
5. Creative
6. Determined
7. Disciplined/focused

Can I say my weakness is a little bit sensitive in an interview?

Yes! You can weave or glide your answer if you wish to reveal this weakness to the employer.

What are the weaknesses one should tell in an HR interview?

1. I focus too much on the details
2. I have a hard time letting go of a project
3. However, I have trouble saying “no.”
4. I get impatient when projects run beyond the deadline.
5. I could use more experience in for instance
6. Howbeit, I sometimes lack confidence

How do I talk about defects in a job interview?

1. Know your weaknesses for job interview
2. Be honest, but don’t mention essential skills
3. Talk about how you’ve conquered the weakness
4. Don’t prepare an exact response
5. Only discuss work-related weaknesses for example

What are the necessary strengths to have for an interview?

1. Communication
2. Business acumen
3. Collaboration or teamwork
4. Adaptability
5. Problem-solving
6. Positivity
7. Organization

What can be a weakness in an interview?

1. Inexperience with a specific piece of software or talent that isn’t absolutely necessary.
2. A disposition for taking on too much responsibility.
3. Additionally, fear giving a public speech.
4. There is apprehension about distributing work.
5. Furthermore, take large risks with hesitation.
6. Impatience with bureaucracies.

I believe you have learned a lot about this information on the weaknesses for job interview.

CSN Team.

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