How to Make a Narcissist Miserable: 12+ Things They Can’t Stand

Filed in Articles by on October 28, 2022

The narcissist in your life probably causes you to feel defeated and frustrated all the time. Learn how to irritate a narcissist and make them miserable whenever you see them by reading this article.

how to make a narcissist miserable

It’s difficult to deal with a narcissist, and dealings with them may frequently leave you angry or tense. Because narcissists typically aren’t eager to alter their behavior, you can use their personality qualities against them to make them feel bad.

What is a Narcissist?

A narcissist is someone who exhibits specific recognizable characteristics associated with narcissism.

An exaggerated sense of self-importance, a strong desire for attention, a thirst for admiration, and self-centeredness are among the characteristics.

What to Look for When Dealing with a Narcissist

The majority of people occasionally exhibit narcissistic traits, but not frequently enough to qualify them as narcissists.

If someone frequently exhibits the following behaviors, you may be dealing with a very narcissistic individual.

• Consider themselves to be superior

• A propensity towards rudeness or violence

• Using projection, deflection, and denial to get out of responsibility

• Argumentative, and exhausting energy

• Tendency to prioritize their needs

• Haughty, cunning, or oppressive demeanor

• Disregarding your feelings and limits frequently

Ways to Make a Narcissist Miserable

Ways to Make a Narcissist Miserable

These are ways to make a narcissist miserable

1. Avoid Them

Whether it’s positive or negative, narcissists adore attention. A narcissist can’t handle it when you ignore them since you aren’t offering them anything at all.

When you see them in person, avoid talking to them and ignore their calls and texts. As you continue to ignore the narcissist in your life, you’ll find that they become more and more irate.

2. Hit Them with New Boundaries

A good set of limits for each party is necessary for healthy relationships. The people in issue dislike and don’t respect boundaries. Even though they will scream and grumble, set them anyway.

Setting boundaries is meant to stop someone from invading your territory and values. There is no doubt that they will push your limits to see if you would cave.

Be resilient since narcs are persistent in wearing people down. Even if that means acting nice until you give up, do it.

3. Speak in Facts, not Emotions

A narcissist finds it challenging to argue against cold, harsh facts. When you solely present facts to narcissists, they find it far more difficult to refute what you’re saying.

If you just provide narcissists with verified truths, they won’t be able to undermine you and try to prove you incorrect.

4. Authority

Narcissists dislike being in charge. This is a result of their dislike of having to answer to anyone besides themselves. Any form of authority puts their innate instincts for dominance and control in jeopardy.

Narcissists frequently run into problems at employment, at school, or with the law. Have you ever known a narcissist who worked many jobs? Are they routinely chastised for their actions?

Notwithstanding their intelligence, narcissists frequently come out as aggressive and unsuited to work settings.

When faced with inappropriate actions, individuals frequently try to minimize or deny their involvement.

5. Set Consequences

The hostility toward boundaries is greater in narcissistic people than their dislike of consequences. But what makes the limits effective are the results.

 Set penalties for crossing boundaries and refusing to take responsibility for their actions.

When the consequences are precise, applicable, and closely tied to the boundary violation, they are more effective.

6. Tell Them No

The worst word a narcissist can hear is “no.” Narcissists are accustomed to using deceit and coercion to acquire what they desire.

They frequently go above and above to complete this objective. They have dedicated their entire lives to seducing others to fulfill their demands. They never pause to consider how your emotions affect the situation.

That explains why telling them no and standing by your position infuriates them so frequently. A narcissist isn’t just frustrated by the denial they’re just plain perplexed by it!

Narcissists find it difficult to understand why someone would reject them. They are unable to comprehend what must be going through your head since they don’t have true empathy. Furthermore, despite their best efforts, they reject this truth.

7. Focus on Yourself

A narcissist wants you to prioritize their needs over your own. Start treating yourself more kindly and respectfully if you want to enrage a narcissist in a big way.

Be clear about your needs and put them first. Making your interaction with them all about you will change things up. They should be furious after doing so.

8. Public Humiliation

Narcissists are sore losers who cannot tolerate actual or imagined public humiliation. They simply cannot bear the thought of failing. They view humiliation in front of others as the height of defeat.

We are all aware of how easily bruised narcissists’ egos are. It jolts their existence when they think someone is making fun of them or when they are not considered experts or authorities in a public setting. Because of this, they’ll take any measure to preserve their frail ego.

Family Members

9. Gray Rocking

Reduce the attention you’ve been giving the person by using the communication method known as “gray rocking.”

The method, which is comparable to the silent treatment, can be particularly useful when dealing with a parent or adult child who is difficult to permanently exile. Keep your communications succinct and direct.

10. Leave the Narcissist

You can’t leave them until they’re ready to throw you away because they believe they own and control you.

A narcissist is certain that you will remain with them once they start the trauma bonding process to keep you under their control.

Emotional abuse, such as routinely lying, betraying, or labeling you “crazy,” might result in a trauma connection. Control and manipulation come to an end when you leave them permanently.

When they understand that you have cut off their narcissistic supply, they will become so miserable that they will eventually go insane.

11. Expectations of Commitment

The majority of narcissists struggle with commitment. Despite the fact that they feel they deserve all forms of loyalty, they rarely show it.

As a result, when they enter into partnerships, they fail to take into account the requirements of other people. They are only considering their own feelings, inclinations, and desires.

Unfortunately, a lot of adoring partners cling to the wishful illusion that their narcissists will change.

They take in the narcissist’s adoration and adulation for them. They cling to flimsy assurances that things will be different this time.

But the narcissist is in charge of everything. They make decisions about what they want to accomplish and when they want to do it. As a result, they are free to flout and alter the laws as they see fit.

12. Your Own Clarity

The narcissist detests the idea above all else that you might remember life before you met them. Their greatest dread is this, and they will use all kinds of deceptive means to keep it from happening.

Love-bombing is a tactic used by narcissists to keep you captivated and captive. With their charm, wit, and cognitive empathy, they will win you over.

They’ll give you feelings of exclusivity you’ve never experienced before all through the use of cognitive empathy, of course.

However, the narcissist never wants you to form your own opinions. They’ll respond if you start acting that way.

They’ll make an effort to undermine and sabotage you. They’ll cause you to doubt your skills and your motivations.

13. Living your Best Life

Moving on with your life without the narc is another technique to make them feel bad and embarrass them. The other person will feel jealous of you, which is a narcissistic quality as well.

Their desire to compete with and outdo you is motivated by envy. Ironically, they present themselves as competent experts with better lives than yours.

In reality, they carry a heavy sense of emptiness with them and look to your relationship for fulfillment. They simply cannot stand to see you happy and successful, though. It makes them crazy!


Targeting the things a narcissist despises will help you make them wish they had never bothered with you.

They’ll lose to you at your own game, and you’ll gain the respect you deserve.

But keep in mind to feel the narcissist out first and to refrain from doing anything that would encourage them to hurt you.

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CSN Team.

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