See 5 Most Important Ways To Conserve Natural Resources

Filed in Articles by on November 30, 2020

See 5 Most Important Ways To Conserve Natural Resources.

Ways to Conserve Natural Resources: When we talk about Natural Resources, we are actually referring to materials or substances occurring in nature which can be exploited for economic gain.

Examples of natural resources are air, water, wood, oil, wind energy, iron and coal. There are two types of natural resources, renewable and non-renewable resources.

Renewable resources are ones that can be replenished or reproduced easily. Some of them, like sunlight, air, wind, etc., are continuously available and their quantity is not affected by human consumption.

Non-renewable resources are formed over very long geological periods. You will find Minerals and fossil fuels in this category.

Their rate of formation is extremely slow, so they cannot be replenished once they get deployed.

Due to global warming and our carelessness, our natural resources are depleting day by day at a drastic rate. Soon there will be no natural resources for our life and future generations.

So keep these 5 important ways to conserve natural resources at your fingertips and practice them.

1. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Sticking with the three R’s is the beginning of resource conservation. We should reduce the amount of waste generated by us. We can do this by buying products that have less packaging as more than 30% of our waste is packaging materials.

We can also look for things that are packed in materials that don’t require a lot of energy or resources to produce. Instead of buying things that we are not going to use often, we can borrow them for someone else.

We could reuse old stuffs in new ways. Instead of throwing things away, we can try to find ways to use them again! We can bring cloth sacks to the store with us instead of taking home new paper or plastic bags.

Coffee cans, shoe boxes and other types of containers that we throw away can be used to store things or can become fun arts and crafts projects.

We can also recycle things to save the environment. Many of the things we use every day, like paper bags, soda cans, and milk cartons, are made out of materials that can be recycled.

Things like paper and plastic grocery bags, and plastic and aluminium cans and bottles can often be brought to the grocery store for recycling.

There will be less waste to pollute our Land, air and water if we stick to the three R’s.

2. Save Water

70% of our planet is covered by water but only 3% is suitable for our consumption. It is obvious we are not doing everything possible to preserve the 3% available to us by dumping waste into water bodies.

We can save water in a thousand ways. We can turn off the tap when we are not using it, we can change our laundry patterns like doing laundry only when there are lots of clothes and on buying a new washing machine,

We should make sure it has at least a five-star water efficiency rating and four-star energy rating. Front-loading washing machines are usually the most water efficient, using up to 50% less water.

We can change the flush of toilet to a dual-flush toilet. We can take shorter showers and we can utilize gray water or waste water from bath and washing machines on gardening. We can also collect and harvest rainwater.

3. Extinguish Plastic Waste

Plastic are very harmful for the environment. It takes 1000 years to decompose into smaller pieces, which seep down into the soil and release chemicals, which eventually reach the water supply, thus polluting the water bodies.

It kills animals in the water as they eat plastic bags. The manufacturing of plastic bags is harmful to the environment because non-renewable resources are used (petroleum and natural gas).

This manufacturing process itself uses toxic chemicals, pollutes the atmosphere and consumes energy. The transportation of the billions of plastic bags produced annually means further energy consumption, largely in the form of more petroleum.

Stores give out unlimited amounts of plastic bags for FREE even when the customer doesn’t really need one. So as we see its cost in terms of energy and manpower is greater than the value of the material produced.

So we should try to curb the use of plastic. We should use biodegradable bags made from fabrics. We should donate old newspapers and magazines to small scale institutes that cut these old papers into paper bags and packets.

4. Afforestation

Deforestation has brought devastating results to mankind. With increase in population comes increase in demand of land, water and other resources, which compelled man to make several chunks of green land barren for construction of houses and setting industries.

Besides, it has also disturbed the water cycle. Planting trees can at least restore the balance. It can become a huge step in not only conserving natural resources, but also planting them.

5. Education and Awareness

A huge part of the Human population is not aware of the dangers of global warming and depleting natural resources. Some parts are aware but educated enough to know what steps to take in contributing to save the planet.

As such Education and awareness is paramount, so people need to get educated about the eco-friendly methods through programs, advertisements, or some other way.

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