200 Love Affirmations for Relationships, Marriage, Family & Friends

Filed in Quote by on December 4, 2023

Love and relationship affirmations is something we all need at one point or the other, which cuts across all forms of relationship we have with people; that is why we have to compile these affirmations to tell ourselves and our loved ones to help improve our relationship with them.

relationship affirmations

Love Relationships

1. Each day, my love for my spouse grows stronger.

2. I show my husband/wife lots of love and affection.

3. I am grateful for the love in my life right now

4. My partner and I feel comfortable sharing our thoughts and problems with each other.

5. It is safe for me to share my feelings with my husband/wife

6. I stand in my relationship with an open heart and open mind

7. I am grateful to have my partner in my life.

8. My partner and I both deserve to love and be loved.

9. Our relationship is filled with trust, honesty, open communication, mutual understanding, and love.

10. I choose my marriage and my husband/wife every day

11. My husband/wife supports me in all of my endeavours

12. I never pretend to be somebody else when I am with my partner.

13. We are in love and happy together.

14. We listen to each other, spend quality time together, and block out the outside world to bring focus into our relationship

15. I spread love, and it returns to me.

16. My partner and I feel a deep connection and love for one another.

17. My love for my partner grows stronger each passing day.

18. As my partner sends me loving thoughts, I return them back to him/her

19. I always look for ways that I can contribute to my spouse’s happiness.

Friendship Affirmation

20. I always listen to my friends with empathy.

21. We are in love and happy together

22. I am grateful to have my partner in my life

23. My partner and I always resolve our conflicts in a peaceful and respectful way.

24. Our relationship is built on love, trust, and respect.

25. My partner and I deserve a long-lasting, happy, satisfying relationship.

26. I am open to receiving unconditional love from my partner.

27. I communicate openly with my husband/wife and speak with honesty and truth.

28. With every day that passes our relationship becomes more loving and passionate.

29. We navigate difficult times together and lean on each other for love and support

30. I know I am worthy of love, and I deserve to be in a loving and healthy relationship.

31. My best friends make the best company.

32. I show my husband/wife lots of love and affection

33. If I were to be reborn, I’d choose to be with the same person over and over again.

34. My spouse and I decide daily to love each other.

35. I am fully confident that my partner trusts me, just as I trust him/her.

36. I am unique, interesting, and intelligent.

37. I feel happy whenever I think about spending the rest of my life with my partner.

38. All my friends are lovely people in their own way.

39. I am able to view things from my partner’s perspective.

relationship affirmations

40. I am supportive of my partner, just as he/she is supportive of me.

41. My husband/wife and I fall more and more in love each and every day

42. I see true love in the small gestures and moments of our day

43. I am strong, smart, and beautiful

44. I trust myself to choose the right direction for my life

45. I am happy and content with the relationship I have with my partner.

46. My inner being is filled with loving feelings for my partner right now.

47. My friends and I encourage one another in all our efforts.

48. I happily give and receive love each day

49. My marriage is divinely protected.

Affirmations to Attract Love

50. I am open and ready to find true love.

51. My partner makes sure that I feel loved, cherished, and secure all the time.

52. My partner and I are faithful and loyal to each other.

53. As husband/wife and I trust each other completely and know we will always be there for one another

54. I am at peace, knowing love comes naturally to me.

55. An of love flows through our daily life.

56. I am grateful for the love in our home and feel contentment every day

57. My spouse is and will always be my best friend.

58. We support and uplift each other with joy and positive energy for the highest good of ourselves and others.

59. We are in love and it continues to grow with time

60. I learn more about myself every single day

61. I accept love in all forms, and understand my partners love language

62. I respect my partner’s privacy, just as he/she respects mine.

63. My partner and I are in a loving, committed, strong relationship.

64. I am open to love in all forms.

65. My partner and I treasure our relationship as much as we treasure the people around us.

66. I love my spouse unconditionally.

67. I love my partner, always and forever.

68. I completely and deeply love and accept myself

69. I am grateful for the love in my life right now.

70. I release my past and am ready to find love.

relationship affirmations

71. I feel safe and secure in my marriage and know I am loved.

72. I value our commitment to each other and honor our vows.

73. My partner and I make sure to talk and communicate with each other every day.

74. We are able to find the humour in almost every situation because we know we’ll be okay no matter what

75. My life is filled with abundance and joy

76. I make time for those I love.

77. My partner always makes me feel that I am enough and that he/she loves me deeply.

78. I choose to surround myself with positive and loving people.

Family Affirmation

79. I feel grateful for all the things that my partner does for me.

80. I can share my secrets with my partner without worrying about anything.

81. With every day that passes our relationship becomes more loving and passionate

82. My partner and I support each other to become successful individuals.

83. My love life is a reflection of the love I have for myself

84. We are both happy and in love in our relationship.

85. I am enjoying the things I already have in my marriage.

86. I am in a loving relationship that brings me an abundance of joy

87. The only approval I need in my life is my own

88. My partner and I feel comfortable and safe whenever we are together.

89. The more love I give, the more I receive.

90. My partner and I look forward to some quality time together.

91. My husband/wife and I are both unique and valued as individuals

92. I have the right to choose friends that are healthy for me.

93. I love spending intimate moments with my partner.

Relationship Affirmation

94. The universe is guiding me to love.

95. I communicate openly with my husband/wife and speak with honesty and truth

96. I make effort to show how much I care for my friends.

97. My partner and I are capable of setting healthy boundaries in our relationship.

98. The love between my partner and me is stronger than our fights and misunderstandings.

99. I share a deep, loving connection with my friends.

100. We both contribute to our relationship in positive and uplifting ways, together making our marriage stronger feel comfortable.

101. I enjoy spending time with my husband/wife because they are my best friend

102. I value the commitment we have made to each other and honour our vows

103. I believe in my marriage.

relationship affirmations

104. I am blessed with understanding and supportive friends.

105. We both make time to talk through any issues or problems as they arise

106. We overcome challenges with ease because we are open, honest, and fully supportive of one another

107. I enjoy spending time with my husband/wife because they are my best friend.

108. We communicate openly and honestly, even with difficult topics

109. Wonderful things are in store for us, my spouse and me.

110. I am a loving and caring partner and give the best version of myself to my relationship.

111. “I deserve to be treated with respect.”

112. “I deserve fulfilling relationships.”

113. “I am single, but that does not diminish my worth.”

114. “I completely love myself.”

115. “I am strong, brave, and beautiful inside and out.”

116. “I am releasing my fears and embracing my future.”

117. “I am confident and full of joy.”

118. “I am growing every day and learning about myself.”

119. “My life is filled with abundance and prosperity.”

120. “I forgive myself for my past mistakes.”

121. “The more I love myself, the more love I have to give others.”

122. “I am now open to give and receive love.”

123. “I attract loving, supportive, and committed partners.”

124. “I am attracting my true love.”

125. “I am grateful for the love I receive.”

126. “I forgive others for past transgressions.”

127. “My heart is open.”

128. “I am ready for commitment.”

129. “I deserve a true partnership with my soulmate.”

130. “I am attracting a trusting and loving relationship.”

Relationship Affirmations for Love

131. “My special someone will come at the right time.”

132. I attract love from everyone everywhere.

133. Others can’t help but love me.

134. The love of my life will be drawn to me.

135. I am ready to receive love from another.

136. I will draw in an amazing person into my life who will love me unconditionally.

137. I have so much love to give.  The right one will show up to receive it.

138. I am deserving of a lasting relationship that can stand the test of time.

139. “I am loved by others.”

140. “The universe is full of love.”

141. “The people around me respect me.”

142. “I am surrounded by love every day.”

143. “Real love starts with me.”

144. “I deserve healthy relationships.”

145. “I am whole and ready to accept love.”

146. “I surround myself with positive people.”

147. “I attract healthy people and relationships.”

148. I love to be loved with a special type of love.

149. I am open to having my life filled with true love.

150. My heart is ready to be filled with love from the heart of another.

151. I accept this love because it has freed me to be myself.

152. I am grateful to be adored by someone who accepts me for who I am.

153. I deserve care and attention from a special person.

154. I am receiving more love than I could have ever imagined.

155. I will not resist anymore.  I am ready to be loved and cared for.

156. I am an empty vessel before a full fountain of love… ready to be filled up.

157. “Love follows me wherever I go in the world.”

158. “I spread love wherever I go, and it returns to me in abundance.”

159. “I welcome all love with open arms.”

Never Give Up Affirmations

160. “I am magnetic to those around me.”

161. “I naturally radiate inner beauty.”

162. “I am full of love vibes.”

163. “I love myself and everyone around me.”

164. “I trust the universe to send me my soulmate.”

165. “I feel love. I see love. I understand love. I am love.”

166. “I love deeply and passionately.”

167. “I see love everywhere I go.”

168. “My life is a process, and I accept change.”

169. “I know why I started, and I will keep going.”

170. “Mistakes are human nature. I am not my mistakes.”

171. “I grow from every life struggle.”

relationship affirmations

172. “I refuse to give up on myself.”

173. I will always show love, even when my heart is hurting.

174. I will always love myself because I have a good heart.

175. I am in a different season in life, but I love the person I am today.

176. My soul is filled with warmth and acceptance.

177. I still have the power to create my own happiness in life.

178. Romance has a way of finding me, and I welcome it with open arms.

179. Every time I turn the pages of my life, love is staring me right in the face.

Affirmations for Unconditional Love

180. My partner and I look forward to some quality time together.

181. I am supportive of my partner, just as he/she is supportive of me.

182. My partner and I feel comfortable and safe whenever we are together.

183. I love spending intimate moments with my partner.

184. The love between me and my partner is stronger than our fights and misunderstandings.

185. I am happy and content with the relationship I have with my partner.

186. I feel grateful for all the things that my partner does for me.

187. My partner and I both deserve to love and be loved.

188. My partner and I deserve a long-lasting, happy, satisfying relationship.

189. My partner and I are in a loving, committed, strong relationship.

190. My love for my partner grows stronger each passing day.

191. I am open to receiving unconditional love from my partner.

192. My partner and I feel a deep connection and love for one another.

193. We are both happy and in love in our relationship.

194. We support and uplift each other with joy and positive energy for the highest good of ourselves and others.

195. Our relationship is filled with trust, honesty, open communication, mutual understanding, and most of all love.

196. My inner being is filled with loving feelings for my partner right now.

197. I am grateful to have my partner in my life.

198. With every day that passes our relationship becomes more loving and passionate.

199. We are in love and happy together.

200. I feel safe and secure in my marriage and know I am loved.

CSN Team.

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