90 Best Edgar Allan Poe Quotes About Life in a Real Picture

Filed in Quote by on March 3, 2022

We bring you Edgar Allan Poe quotes, in case you’ve been searching for his poetic teachings about reality in literature, beauty and life, and everything surrounding it. Edgar Allan Poe left behind a remarkable literary legacy. Do read on

edgar allan poe quotes

The man, Edgar Allan Poe, is best known around the globe for his darkness peering long, macabre, and mysterious tales. He wrote endless poems and short stories, many of which are established literary critic classics.

His extremely celebrated works include medals like The Raven, The Tell-Tale Heart, The Black Cat, and The Fall of the House of Usher, just to name a few.

A Little About Edgar Allen Poe

He shudders at incompleteness and imperfection. Though he passed in 1849, his spine-tingling stories are still hugely famous, and hundreds of thousands of his books are sold per year. 

A Little About Edgar Allen Poe

Poe was an American author, known for his writings on imperfection and usually preferred short stories on dream night and poems. He was one of America’s first practitioners of the short story form.

His stories have a distinctively weird print on them: like life and death, they were mainly stories of mystery and insight, often using the macabre, with subjects like dream day untimely burial, reanimation, slow decapitation, the effects of human decay, etc.

Edgar Allan Poe’s Quotes

Here are note-worthy quotes by Edgar Allan Poe:

1. “Everything we feel or see or remain merely a dream within another dream. “

2. “We loved with a love that was over and above the love. “

3. “In a flash, I went insane with long maddening impressions of a sane mind. “

4. “Believe nothing you hear and only one half that you see.”

5. “Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore.”

6. “While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, ‘Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door — Only this, and nothing more.”

7. Ah, Distinctly I Remember It Was in The Bleak December, And Each Separate Dying Ember Wrought Its Ghost Upon The Floor.”

8. “Eagerly I Wished the Morrow; — Vainly I Had Sought to Borrow From My Books Surcease of Sorrow — Sorrow for The Lost Lenore — For the Rare and Radiant Maiden Whom the Angels Name Lenore — Nameless Here for Evermore.”

9. “And The Silken Sad Uncertain Rustling of Each Purple Curtain Thrilled Me — Filled Me with Fantastic Terrors Never Felt Before; So that Now, to Still the Beating of My Heart, I Stood Repeating, Tis Some Visitor Entreating Entrance at My Chamber Door — Some Late Visitor Entreating Entrance at My Chamber Door; — This It Is, and Nothing More.”

10. “Presently My Soul Grew Stronger; Hesitating Then No Longer, Sir,” Said I, “or Madam, Truly Your Forgiveness I Implore; But the Fact Is I Was Napping, and So Gently You Came Rapping, And so Faintly You Came Tapping, Tapping at My Chamber Door, That I Scarce Was Sure I Heard You”— Here I Opened Wide the Door; — Darkness There, and Nothing More.

11. “Back Into the Chamber Turning, All My Soul Within Me Burning, Soon Again I Heard a Tapping Somewhat Louder than Before. Surely,” Said I, “surely that Is Something at My Window Lattice: Let Me See, Then, What Thereat Is, and This Mystery Explore.

12. “Open Here I Flung the Shutter, When, with Many a Flirt and Flutter, In There Stepped a Stately Raven of The Saintly Days of Yore; Not the Least Obeisance Made He; Not a Minute Stopped or Stayed He; But, with Mien of Lord or Lady, Perched Above My Chamber Door — Perched upon A Bust of Pallas Just Above My Chamber Door — Perched, and Sat, and Nothing More.

13. “Then This Ebony Bird Beguiling My Sad Fancy Into Smiling, By the Grave and Stern Decorum of The Countenance It Wore. Though Thy Crest Be Shorn and Shaven, Thou,” I Said, Tell Me What Thy Lordly Name Is on The Night’s Plutonian shore!” Quoth the Raven, “Nevermore.”

14. “Much I Marveled as I Stood There Wondering Fearing this Ungainly Fowl to Hear Discourse so Plainly, Though Its Answer Little Meaning— Little Relevancy Bore; — Bird or Beast upon The Sculptured Bust Above His Chamber Door, With Such Name as “nevermore.”

15. “From Childhood’s Hour I Have Not Been. as Others Were, I Have Not Seen. as Others Saw, I Could Not Awaken. My Heart To Joy at The Same Tone. and All I Loved, I Loved Alone.”

16. “sleep, Those Little Slices of Death — how I Loathe Them.”

17. “years of Love Have Been Forgot, in The Hatred of A Minute.”

18. “Never to Suffer Would Never to Have Been Blessed.”

19. “It Was Many and Many a Year Ago, In a Kingdom by The Sea, That a Maiden There Lived Whom You May Know By the Name of Annabel Lee, And This Maiden She Lived with No Other Thought Than to Love and Be Loved by Me.”

20. “I Was a Child, and She Was a Child, In This Kingdom by The Sea; I and My Annabel Lee; With a Love that The Winged Seraphs of Heaven.”

21. “The Angels, Not Half so Happy in Heaven, Went Envying Her and Me- Yes!- that Was the Reason (as All Men Know, In This Kingdom by The Sea) That the Wind Came out Of the Cloud by Night, Chilling and Killing My Annabel Lee.”

Edgar Allen Poe’s Dark Quotes

22. “But Our Love It Was Stronger by Far than The Love Of Those Who Were Older than We- Of Many Far Wiser than We- And neither The Angels in Heaven Above Nor the Demons Down Under the Sea, Can Ever Dissever My Soul from The Soul Of The Beautiful Annabel Lee.”

23. “For The Moon Never Beams without Bringing Me Dreams Of the Beautiful Annabel Lee, And the Stars Never Rise but I Feel the Bright Eyes Of the Beautiful Annabel Lee; And So, All the Night-Tide, I Lie Down by The Side Of My Darling- My Darling- My Life and My Bride, In the Sepulchre There by The Sea, In Her Tomb By The Sounding Sea.”

24. “All religion, My Friend, Is Simply Evolved out Of Fraud, Fear, Greed, Imagination, and Poetry.”

Edgar Allen Poe's Dark Quotes

25. “Men Have Called Me Mad; but The Question Is Not yet Settled, Whether Madness Is or Is Not the Loftiest Intelligence–Whether Much that Is Glorious– Whether All that Is Profound– Does Not Spring from Disease of Thought– from Moods of Mind Exalted at The Expense of The General Intellect.”

26. “If You Wish to Forget Anything on The Spot, Make a Note that This Thing Is to Be Remembered.”

27. “I Wish I Could Write as Mysterious as A Cat.”

28. “Deep in Earth My Love Is Lying And I Must Weep Alone.”

29. “And So Being Young and Dipped in Folly I Fell in Love with Melancholy.”

30. “It is by No Means an Irrational Fancy that, in A Future Existence, We Shall Look upon What We Think Our, Present Existence as A Dream.”

31. “I felt that I Breathed an Atmosphere of Sorrow.”

32. “Beauty of Whatever Kind, Fearing Doubting Dreaming Dreams in Its Supreme Development, Invariably Excites the Sensitive Soul to Tears.”

33. “And All I Loved, I Loved Alone.”

34. “invisible Things Are the Only Realities.”

35. “Deep Into that deep Darkness peering, Long I Stood There, Wondering, Fearing, Doubting, Dreaming Dreams No Mortal Ever Dared to Dream Before.”

36. “The True Genius Shudders at Incompleteness — Imperfection — and Usually Prefers Silence to Saying the Something Which Is Not Everything that Should Be Said.”

37. “Words Have No Power to Impress the Mind without The Exquisite Horror of Their Reality.”

38. “All that We See or Seem Is But A Dream Within a Dream.”

39. “I Became Insane, with Long Intervals of Horrible Sanity.”

40. “Stupidity Is a Talent for Misconception.”

41. “Science has not taught us if madness is or is not the sublimity of the intelligence.”

42. “Lord, Help My Poor Soul.”

43. “If you Wish to Forget Anything on The Spot, Make a Note that This Thing Is to Be Remembered. Edgar Allan Poe

43. “With Me Poetry Has Not Been a Purpose, but A Passion.”

44. “The Death of A Beautiful Woman, Is Unquestionably the Most Poetical Topic in The World.”

45. “That pleasure Which Is at Once the Purest, the Most Elevating and The Most Intense, Is Derived, I Maintain, from The Contemplation of The Beautiful.”

46. “The True Genius shudders at Incompleteness – and Usually Prefers Silence to Say Something Which Is Not Everything It Should Be.”

Edgar’s Quotes About Death

47. “Man’s Real Life Is Happy, Chiefly Because He Is Ever Expecting that It Soon Will Be So.”

48. “Puns It Has Been Said That Those Who Most Dislike Them Are Those Who Are Least Able to Utter Them.”

49. “That Man Is Not Truly Brave Who Is Afraid Either to Seem or To Be When It Suits Him, a Coward.”

50. “I Have, Indeed, No Abhorrence of Danger, Except in Its Absolute Effect – in Terror.”

51. “It Is the Nature of Truth in General, as Of Some Ores in Particular, to Be Richest when Most Superficial.”

52. “Experience Has Shown, and A True Philosophy Will Always Show, that A Vast, Perhaps the Larger Portion of The Truth Arises from The Seemingly Irrelevant.”

53. “There Is Something in The Unselfish and Self-Sacrificing Love of Brute Mortals Ever Dared to Dream, Which Goes Directly to The Heart of Him Who Has Had Frequent Occasion to Test the Paltry Friendship and Gossamer Fidelity of Mere Man.”

54. “Beauty of Whatever Kind, in Its Supreme Development, Invariably Excites the Sensitive Soul to Tears.”

55. “The boundaries that divide Life from Death Are at Best Shadowy and Vague. Who Shall Say Where the One Ends, and Where the Other Begins?”

56. “They Who Dream by Day Are Cognizant of Many Things Which Escape Those Who Dream Only By Night.”

57. “I Would Define, in Brief, the Poetry of words as The Rhythmical Creation of Beauty.”

58. “I Have Great Faith in Fools; Self-Confidence My Friends Call It.”

59. “Once Upon A Midnight Dreary, While I Pondered Weak and Weary.”

60. “All Religion, My Friend, Is Simply Evolved out Of Fraud, Fear, Greed, Imagination, and Poetry.”

61. “The Ninety and Nine Are with Dreams, Content but The Hope of The World Made New, Is the Hundredth Man Who Is Grimly Bent on Making Those Dreams Come True.”

62. “It Is by No Means an Irrational Fancy That, in A Future Existence, We Shall Look upon What We Think Our Present Existence, as A Dream.”

63. “Were I Called on To Define, Very Briefly, the Term Art, I Should Call It ‘the Reproduction of What the Senses Perceive in Nature Through the Veil of The Soul.’ the Mere Imitation, Peering Long I Stood, However Accurate, of What Is in Nature, Entitles No Man to The Sacred Name of ‘artist.”

64. “To Vilify a Great Man Is the Readiest Way in Which a Little Man Can Himself Attain Greatness.”

65. “I Have No Faith in Human Perfectability. I think that Human Exertion Will Have No Appreciable Effect on Humanity. Man Is Now Only More Active – Not Happier – nor Wiser than He Was 6000 Years Ago.”

Best Edgar Allan Poe Poems

Best Edgar Allan Poe Poems

66. “I Am Above the Weakness of Seeking to Establish a Sequence of Cause and Effect, Between the Disaster and The Atrocity.”

67. “The Nose of A Mob Is Its Imagination. by This, at Any Time, It Can Be Quietly Led.”

68. “In Criticism, I Will Be Bold, and As Sternly, Absolutely Just with Friend and Foe. from This Purpose Nothing Shall Turn Me.”

69. “The Rudiment of Verse May, Possibly, Be Found in The Spondee.”

70. “It Will Be Found that The Ingenious Are Always Fanciful, and The Truly Imaginative Never Otherwise than Analytic.”

71. “I Need Scarcely Observe that A Poem Deserves Its Title only since It Excites, by Elevating the Soul. The value of The Poem Is in The Ratio of This Elevating Excitement.”

72. “A strong Argument for The Religion of Christ Is This – that Offenses Against Charity Are About the Only Ones Which Men on Their Death-Beds Can Be Made – Not to Understand – but To Feel – as Crime.”

73. ‘In One Case out Of a Hundred a Point Is Excessively Discussed Because It Is Obscure; in The Ninety-Nine Remaining It Is Obscure Because It Is Excessively Discussed.”

74. “The Generous Critic Fann’d the Poet’s Fire and Taught the World with Reason to Admire.”

75. “There Are Few Cases in Which Mere Popularity Should Be Considered a Proper Test of Merit; but The Case of Song-Writing Is, I Think, One of The Few.”

76. “It Is with Literature as With Law or Empire – an Established Name Is an Estate in Tenure or A Throne in Possession.”

77. “The Passions Should Be Held in Reverence: They Must Not — They Cannot at Will Be Excited, with An Eye to The Paltry Compensations, or The More Paltry Commendations, of Mankind.”

78. “Beauty Is the Sole Legitimate Province of The Poem.”

79. “How Many Good Books Suffer Neglect Through the Inefficiency of Their Beginnings!”

80. “Was I Called on To Define, Very Briefly, the Term “art,” I Should Call It “the Reproduction of What the Senses Perceive in Nature Through the Veil of The Soul.” The mere Imitation, However Accurate, of What Is in Nature, Entitles No Man to The Sacred Name of “artist”.”

81. “In Reading Some Books We Occupy Ourselves Chiefly with The Thoughts of The Author; in Perusing Others, Exclusively with Our Own.”-Marginalia

82. “Music, when combined with A Pleasurable Idea, Is Poetry; Music without The Idea Is Simply Music; the Idea without The Music Is Prose from Its Very Definitiveness.”

83. “A Poem Deserves Its Title Only Since It Excites, by Elevating the Soul.”

84. “There Are Certain Themes of Which the Interest Is All-Absorbing, but Which Are Too Entirely Horrible for Legitimate Fiction.”

85. “Melancholy Is… the Most Legitimate of All the Poetical Tones.”

Edgar Poe’s Dying Quotes

86. “Deep in Earth My Love Is Lying And I Must Weep Alone.”-A Couplet

87. “to Die Laughing Must Be the Most Glorious of All-Glorious Deaths!”-The Assignation

88. “The boundaries Which divide Life from Death are at Best Shadowy and Vague. Who Shall Say Where the One Ends, and Where the Other Begins?”

89. “Come! Let the Burial Rite Be Read–the Funeral Song Be Sung!—an Anthem for The Queenliest Dead that Ever Died so Young—a Dirge for Her the Doubly Dead in That She Died so Young.”

90. “Thank Heaven! the Crisis—the Danger Is Past, and The Lingering Illness, Is Over at Last—and the Fever Called “living,” Is Conquered at Last.”

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