Is a Crocodile the Same as an Alligator?

Filed in Articles by on May 24, 2021

The amphibious reptiles are related closely to each other, as is anticipated. Alligators and crocodiles easily fall into the category of animals that are most common to be confused with one another. This guide will be of great help as it explains a lot, just read on.

Difference Between Crocodile And Alligator

No, crocodiles and alligators are not the same, something that is true despite them belonging to the same scientific order, which is called Crocodylia. Another key distinction is their living place, mostly water. 

Alligators live in saltwater conditions like oceans and estuaries while crocodiles avoid freshwater environments like swamps, ponds, rivers, and lakes.

They also differ in their body members. Crocodiles possess a V-shaped epirhinal projection and are easily recognizable as a result of their fourth tooth on the lower jaw, which is visible whenever its mouth is shut. 

The differentiating characteristics between alligators and crocodiles are that alligators have a U-shaped snout, while their fourth tooth is unnoticeably hidden when the mouth is closed.

From the behavioral point of view, crocodiles on the aggregate are more aggressive and are capable of swimming in salty water, whereas alligators can be less hostile and they can live in freshwater only.

Facts About an Alligator

Alligators are animals of the reptile order considered to be of notable dimensions and have copious maws. 

They commonly occur in the freshwater environment in places like sewers, lakes, ponds, or swamps, especially in the southeastern United States and China. 

These reptiles belong to the category of carnivores that prefer eating fish, birds, small mammals, and many species of their own. 

Crawling land and surfing the waters with the U-shaped snout and the jaws’ fourth tooth is hidden when the species locks their mouths closed. 

Alligators are poikilothermic vertebrates that cannot alter their body temperatures on their own. This means they rely on external sources like air or water to keep their physiological processes properly functioning. 

They can swim well, and being masters of the elements of water and land, they can move at fast speed. The females of the species build nests and scatter the eggs; they can be very aggressive in their secretion of eggs and their defense until the hatching takes place. 

It is interesting to note that alligators, though mightily intimidating, are mainly fearful of people’s presence and want to run away instead.

What is a Crocodile?

What is a Crocodile?

A crocodile is one of quite a large group of actual reptiles with all of the characteristic short snout and sharp teeth. 

It is frequently referred to as the “most feared” fish in the deep ocean because its jaws are incredibly powerful and its behavior is that of a deadly predator.

Crocodiles are oviraptors, which means, they dwell in water and sometimes even on land. They inhabit forests across tropical regions, being distributed in Asia, Africa, America, and Australia. These reptiles are predatory and mainly eat smaller fish, / larger birds,, mammals, and other animals. 

Also, being expert swimmers, they use their tails for coordinated tail beats to propel themselves forward with great speed. 

True to the chorus of their kingdom, crocodiles are cold-blooded, relying on sunlight and other environmental factors to make up the thermometer inside of their bodies. 

Spawn killing is one thing common in them. The area of stealth and patience for them is where they capture their meals. Quite unlike their reputation as being fearsome creatures, real crocodiles usually tend to be mild-mannered and they do not want to argue with humans.


Crocodiles and Alligators are not one and the same, but require special care and conservation efforts if they are to be preserved. 

The crocodiles require the salty tones of oceans and estuaries for their habitat, while alligators like being in freshwater bodies like rivers, lakes, and swamps. 

As they are, the crocodilians, both are in order, Crocodylia, they have peculiarities such as their habitat, appearance, and behavior. 

As far as facially crocodiles can be recognized by the “V-shaped” snouts and apparent fourth teeth, while alligators can be identified by the “U-shaped” snouts that hide the fourth teeth when the mouths are closed. 

In terms of actions, mourning, crocodylus tend to be the more active type and have better adaptation to saltwater while alligators display less aggression and less adapted to saltwater causing these phenotypes to be dominant. 

These dissimilarities among crocodiles and alligators give them better opportunities as individual species with their nature, adaptations, and lifestyles that are fit for their respective habitats.

CSN Team.

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