ESADE Excellence Honours Scholarship | How to Apply
The ESADE Excellence Honours Scholarship is a testament to how generous people and brands can be. It aims to support students through financial aid. Yet, to fully avail yourself of its benefits, further insight is necessary. Keep reading to learn more.
ESADE Excellence Honours Scholarship
The ESADE Excellence Honours scholarship covers 100% of tuition fees for applicants intending to enroll in the first year of the following programs:
1. Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA)
2. Bachelor in Law (GED)
3. Double Degree in Business Administration and Law (GBD)
4. Double Degree in Law
5. Global Governance
6. Economics & Legal Order (GED&BGG)
7. Bachelor in Global Governance
8. Economics & Legal Order (BGGELO).
9. Eligible candidates must have achieved a university entrance mark of 9.5 or higher (PAU/Bachillerato or UNED Accreditation/Homologation), irrespective of the specific phase.
Scholarship Eligibility
Eligibility for this scholarship is as follows:
1. International students are eligible to apply.
2. To apply for the ESADE Excellence Honours:
i. Candidates must be prepared to enroll in the first year of any of the programs listed in section 2 above, upon successfully submitting all required documentation and passing all applicable tests, following the announcement of the minimum mark specified in section 1 above.
ii. Must have attained a university entrance mark of 9.5 or higher, irrespective of the specific phase.
iii. Submit the completed ESADE Excellence Honours application by the specified deadline.
3. Candidates should possess a proficient command of the English language. Therefore, applications must be written in English.
How to Apply
Unfortunately, this scholarship has closed for 2024, however, if you keep in touch, we will let you know when it reopens.
Scholarships are a great way to scale through school because you will not have to worry about the resources and you will be more focused on academics.
You can check out some other scholarships that may be of interest to you as you will find on this platform.
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